Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Time sure has flown by

 If you're visiting my page, YAY!!! Thank you. As you can see, my last blog post was in 2020!!! Time sure has flown by and alot has changed. Both with my family and the world. Covid really affected people and our country. We're the United States of America and since covid, our country seems far from United. It is very sad. Growing up I always had such pride for America. I knew I was lucky to be born here and still feel lucky. I love our freedom and hope we not only get to keep it but that our children grow up in a land of the FREE too. The whole worlds just gone crazy.

Moving on, when I started this blog, I was in a real good place mentally. My kids were young and I was just happy. Although I still am  happy, my kids are older and alot has changed.

For one, in my last post I touch on the subject of hoping the kids were able to head back to public school soon. Although my daycare kids went back, my son went back for a year and the things that were entering our school systems and how they ran things....well we didn't agree with everything. We have been homeschooling now for the last two years. We have our ups and downs. We have our days that we get a lot accomplished and days we focus on reading and physical activities which are both super important.

I could go on and on about our whys of homeschooling and things we've been through since my last post in 2020 but I mainly just wanted to hop back on my blogspot and say hello!!! I'm a tired mom, still working from home and trying to help my son's dad with the household income that needs to come in while making sure the house is clean, the pets are taken care of (oh yeah, we added chickens to our family a little over a year ago!) and making sure there is a home cooked meal every night...which makes needing to provide good steady income very important because if you live in America and are raising a family, you know thats an expensive trip!!!

Well my duties are calling and this mom's little bit of sit down time is up! Hope everyone is doing well and hang in there!!! Time sure has flown by since 2020, try to find the simple pleasures in your everyday!

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