Wednesday, February 6, 2019

It's a chore to enforce chores!

Our oldest, Jonah, is actually Ben's son from a previous relationship, making me the "the step-monster" lol. I'm only kidding. I believe Ben and I do a pretty good job at being partners both in life and parenting. Although there has been the typical joys of step parenting, such as the child playing the houses against each other (or trying to!) as well as me being hated in the past because we  give him (as well as the 4 year old) weekly chores. In Maverick's case he has to feed the animals everyday and once a week clean their bathroom sink. Jonah is with us every other week. He arrives Monday after school and goes to his mom's house the following week on Monday. So Jonah has his board with magnets that have the chores written on them in the "To Do" column then has the whole week that hes here, to move them to the "Done" side. As you can imagine, they don't get done unless we say, "get them done!" At the MOMENT our 4 year old has been doing his chores cheerfully. *knock on wood*

I wish they understood its not a punishment and its FAR from a good time for dad and I to have to remind them and see the instant slump of the shoulders and major pout grow upon their face. Do they think its going to make us feel bad and change our minds? Chores are good. It not only is helping the family but it provides them with the lessons of responsibilities. Life isn't going to go easy on them after they leave us, so as much as we love them and I as a mother, do enjoy taking care of them....they need to learn, sooner better than later, how to handle responsibilities. 

You want a pet? Well mom and dad won't always be around to feed, bath and pay attention to the pet. They need to learn pets are responsibilities. I hate how our oldest asks when we are getting a new pet, knowing we have 5 already then acts like its complete garbage that he has to brush the dog for longer than 2 minutes. Does that make us not give him the job? Nope. Its not hard. The dog is a good girl and well, if you want more, learn to help more! 

You want more things? Well learn a good WORK ETHIC! Things such as clothes, toy trucks, fishing gear, toys, games cost money. Doing chores for money hopefully shows them the value of a dollar. Shows them the more you save, the more you have! The more you spend, the less you have saved! Just doing the work isn't going to cut it either!! Employers are going to see how well you work. How well you work with others debating the job, how hard you work. Do you try or best or do you rush it, just for someone else to need to come and finish it? An employer isn't going to keep you around for long if you think rushing is doing a good job. Granted some reading this may say, well they're young, let them be kids. OF COURSE! I don't want them growing up fast. I wish they'd stay small or time would slow down. I encourage sleeping in while they can, eating almost everything they want, using their imaginations....but time flies and soon they will be adults. 

One of the most important things I learned going to school for early childhood education is that THE FIRST 5 YEARS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT and I've seen it play out with experience. Outside of the books. I'm not saying, if you don't give your kids chores, they will be bad people. NOT AT ALL!!! I'm just saying there are so many benefits of chores and trying to teach them about responsibilities while they're young and their brains are like sponges, absorbing everything they see and hear from us. 

At the end of the day, I love them. I want to enjoy my time with them and I take pride in taking care of them. Being there for them. Washing their bedsheets and timing  them in the dryer  so they're warm still at bedtime for them. Making their lunches and so on but I want my time with them to be not only special but preparing them for their lives ahead. No matter what path they choose,  I want them growing up as happy and good men! (as moms, I think we can all agree, their future wives will appreciate the help around the house too!)

1 comment:

  1. absolutely correct!!! you are trying to raise a positive hard working adult!!! Dont mean you dont love them because they are expected to do chores at their age level. Should make them feel proud and apart of the family
